On Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 6:54:39 PM UTC+12, Rustom Mody wrote:
> Yet we remain cocksure of our assumtions inspite of the repeated data
> that everything we know will be negated in 5-50-500 years

Let’s see, 500 years ago, people knew
* That the world is round, and how to measure its radius to within a third of a 
percent of the modern value
* That the square root of 2 cannot be represented as an exact ratio of two 
* That objects float in water because their density is lower than that of water
* That the optimum shape for a load-bearing arch is a catenary
* That blood in the human body has to take the long way round--through the 
lungs--to get from one side of the heart to the other
* That Roman numerals are a stupid way to do calculations.

Have any of these been disproved yet? I’m not up with all these “there is no 
objective reality, everything is relative” ideas as yet...

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