>> But again, that is not related to the question. Why does it not work?
>> What is missing?
> If you mean why running the service doesn't work, it should once you
> run the post-install script that copies pywintypes35.dll to the
> Windows System32 directory. This DLL is required by PythonService.exe.
> It fails to start without it. After running the post-install script,
> run `where pywintypes35.dll` to verify that it was copied correctly.
It did not help. I still get the same error message (service did not
respond in time).

By the way, running the aforementioned post install script raised this

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 6, in <module>
    import winreg as winreg
ImportError: No module named winreg

In addition to the replacements, I had to do "py -3
pywin32_postinstall.py -install". The package developer should add
"#!/usr/bin/python3" to the beginning of that post install script, so
that py.exe can select the right interpreter automatically.

In my opinion, the pypiwin32 and pywin32 packages are both broken. I say
this because I cannot just "install the package". The pywin32 installer
throws a cryptic error message. Pypiwin32:  I have to edit source code
files and figure out command lines that are not documented. Not hard to
do for me, but still...


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