On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 13:37:23 -0700, LongHairLuke wrote:

> Hi l am on my way to make a bot for the game Piano Tiles 2.
> But the code l have written so far saids invalid syntax at 2nd line.
> Here is my code:
> while True:
>    If active then
>       FFSnapShot(areaX, areaY + height - offsetBottom, areaX + width,
>       areaY + height - offsetBottom, sid)
>       For row = 0 To norows - 1
>          c = FFGetPixel(areaX + row * rowWidth + 5, areaY + height -
>          offsetBottom, sid)
>          cs = _ColorGetRGB(c)
>          b = ( cs[0] * 0.3 ) + ( cs[1] * 0.59 ) + ( cs[2] * 0.11 )
>          If lock[row] Then
>             If b < darkness Then
>                ContinueLoop
>             Else
>                lock[row] = False
>             EndIf
>          EndIf If b < darkness Then
>             MouseUp("Left")
>             lock[row] = True MouseMove(areaX + row * rowWidth + rowWidth
>             / 2, areaY + height - offsetBottom, 1)
>             MouseDown("Left")
>          EndIf
>       Next
>    EndIf
> End
> Can someone help me please?

Is observation this is not Python code
it looks more like some variety of BASIC but I could easily be wrong

Regarding astral projection, Woody Allen once wrote, "This is not a bad 
to travel, although there is usually a half-hour wait for luggage."

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