Thank you, 
you code using pyparsing works very well. Now I got the "number" and
the "url". But I still want to get the "name".
I'll turn to pyparsing and see how to get the "name" from the html.
But I hope you can enlighten me for one more time since I'm not
farmiliar with the pyparsing module.

On 15 Aug 2005 21:15:02 -0700, Paul McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Given the example re that you've been trying to get working, here is a
> pyparsing approach that might be more, um, approachable.
> Unfortunately, since I don't have the URL of the page you are working
> with, I'm unable to test this before posting.
> Good luck,
> -- Paul
> #
> # get pyparsing at
> #
> from pyparsing import *
> import urllib
> #~
> r=re.compile(ur'valign=top>(?P­<number>\d{1,2})</td><td[^>]*>­\s{0,2}'
> #~ ur'<a href="(?P<url>[^<>]+\.mp3)"( )target=_blank>'
> #~ ur'(?P<name>.+)</td>',re.UNICO­DE|re.IGNORECASE)
> tdStart,tdEnd = makeHTMLTags("td")
> aStart,aEnd = makeHTMLTags("a")
> number = Word(nums)
> valign = CaselessLiteral("valign=top>")
> mp3Entry = valign + number.setResultsName("number") + tdEnd + \
>             tdStart + SkipTo(aStart) + aStart + \
>             SkipTo(tdEnd) + tdEnd
> # get list of mp3's
> targetURL = "http://whatever";
> targetPage = urllib.urlopen( targetURL )
> targetHTML =
> targetPage.close()
> for toks,s,e in mp3Entry.scanString(targetHTML):
>     print toks.number, toks.starta.href
> --

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