On 19/10/2016 11:30, Kishore JK wrote:
I need to copy one excel file data into another excel file by excluding rows 
which were hidden in source excel file.


As shown in the image, from the source excel file, I need to copy the data of 
row numbers 116,135 and 139 and exclude all the remaining rows which were 
hidden because of not matching the criteria.

I have tried below code, but this is copying entire data into new excel sheet.
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('sourcefile.xlsx')
sheet = wb.active
sheet.title = 'Sheet1'


I use xlrd external module. This is only samples codes from one of my class. You can filter the row you want with an conditional statement.
You must have equivalent attribute in openpyxl module.

Import xlrd

Import csv

 self._book                = xlrd.open_workbook(xlfilename)

self._selected_sheets = [self._book.sheet_by_name(sheetname) for sheetname in sheets]

writer = csv.writer(open(xlfilename, 'wb'), delimiter=self.file_format.delimiter)

  rows   = izip(*(sheet.col_values(col) for col in selected_columns))

  for row in rows:

       # NOTE!!!: could have UnicodeEncodeError exception raised here!



       except UnicodeEncodeError, e:

print("\nWarning: {0}. Row '{1}' will not be extracted!".format(e, row))




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