On 2016-10-31 17:46, Heli wrote:
On Monday, October 31, 2016 at 6:30:12 PM UTC+1, Irmen de Jong wrote:
On 31-10-2016 18:20, Heli wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to read an ascii file written in Fortran90 using python. I am 
reading this file by opening the input file and then reading using:
> inputfile.readline()
> On each line of the ascii file I have a few numbers like this:
> line 1: 1
> line 2: 1000.834739 2000.38473 3000.349798
> line 3: 1000 2000 5000.69394 99934.374638 54646.9784
> The problem is when I have more than 3 numbers on the same line such as line 
3, python seems to read this using two reads. This makes the above example will be 
read like this:
> line 1: 1
> line 2: 1000.834739 2000.38473 3000.349798
> line 3: 1000 2000 5000.69394
> line 4: 99934.374638 54646.9784
> How can I fix this for each fortran line to be read correctly using python?
> Thanks in Advance for your help,

You don't show any code so it's hard to say what is going on.
My guess is that your file contains spurious newlines and/or CRLF combinations.

Try opening the file in universal newline mode and see what happens?

with open("fortranfile.txt", "rU") as f:
    for line in f:
        print("LINE:", line)


Thanks Irmen,

I tried with "rU" but that did not make a difference. The problem is a line 
that with one single write statement in my fortran code :

write(UNIT=9,FMT="(99g20.8)")  value

seems to be read in two python inputfile.readline().

Any ideas how I should be fixing this?


What is actually in the file?

Try opening it in binary mode and print using the ascii function:

    with open("fortranfile.txt", "rb") as f:
        contents = f.read()

    print("CONTENTS:", ascii(contents))


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