Constantin Sorin wrote:

> Hello,I recently started to make a dice game in python.
> Everything was nice and beautiful,until now.
> My problem is that when I try to play and I win or lost 
> or it's equal next time it will continue only with that.
> .... 

  Following is a link to a version of your code
  rewritten to run using python3 ....

  The only significant differences 
  between python2 and python3
  in your code are .... 

    python2 ......... python3

     print ........... print( )

     raw_input( ) ... input( )

Bob Gailer wrote: 

> ....
> The proper way to handle this 
> is to put the entire body of game() 
> in a while loop.
> ....  
> Since the values of e and f are not changed in the loop 
> he will continue to get the same thing.
> .... 

  These changes are the key
  to making the program loop
  as desired .... 

  All other changes are mostly cosmetic .... 

  * Note *

    I  am  partial to white space 
    both  horizontal  and  vertical ....... :-)

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


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