On Sun, 6 Nov 2016 07:55 am, Jon Ribbens wrote:

>> The implication is that the answer to your question is Yes, you can run
>> Python in the context of a virtualenv by just invoking that virtualenv's
>> local Python without running 'activate' first.
> So you were wrong earlier when you said you couldn't do that?

I'm happy to admit it when I have made a mistake, but this isn't one of
those times. I didn't say it couldn't be done, I initially said:

    "Possibly you do have to run `activate` first, I don't know"

but you already know that, since you can read just as well as I can.

> You're still wrong no matter how many times you repeat yourself.
> I've understood him, you have understood neither him nor me.
> You're spending an awful lot of effort being pointlessly argumentative
> about who has or hasn't understood what while avoiding addressing the
> actual perfectly simple question - if running Python directly from a
> venv path is equivalent to running 'activate' then Python, how does it
> know that it's in a venv?

And now you change your story for the second time.

As I said, I'm happy to admit when I am wrong. I was wrong to think you were
discussing this in good faith. You're clearly not: you keep changing your
story, keep insisting that the question you have asked is different from
what you previously wrong.

First you asked about symlinks, misunderstanding what Ben wrote; then you
denied you asked that and insisted you really asked about activate (despite
not having even mentioned activate); and now you're inventing a new
question, "how does it know it is in a venv?".

Life is too short to waste time in a pointless discussion with trolls who
argue in bad faith, as you are doing. Welcome to my kill-file.


“Cheer up,” they said, “things could be worse.” So I cheered up, and sure
enough, things got worse.


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