On Thursday 10 November 2016 17:43, breamore...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Thursday, November 10, 2016 at 1:09:31 AM UTC, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> [snipped]
> Steven, there is no need to be rude or condescending.

Indeed, and if I thought you were sincere, or knew what you were objecting to, 
I might take your rebuke a bit more seriously.

But as it stands, it looks like you're obviously copying Ethan's words (almost 
word-for-word identically) so I think you're just trying to make a point about 
the general unfairness that you're called out for an unprovoked personal attack 
on Bart while I got away with a friendly and light-hearted comment that he is 
experienced enough to know how to ask for help with apt-get install numpy if he 
wants it.

Yes, you're right, the world is harsh and cruel for those who can't tell the 
difference between a personal attack and a gentle dig. Here's a couple of hints 
as to why your comment was unacceptable and mine wasn't:

- you brought up discussions/issues from the past completely unrelated to the 
current discussion, solely for the purpose of embarrassing Bart and re-opening 
old arguments;

- I didn't;

- you compared him to a notorious (albeit possibly mythical) mass murderer of 

- I didn't.

Hope that helps.

299792.458 km/s — not just a good idea, it’s the law!


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