On 2016-11-12, subhabangal...@gmail.com <subhabangal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am restating the problem. 
> "Hello my name is Richard"
> is a string. 
> I have tagged the words Hello and Richard
> as "Hello/Hi" and "Richard/P". 
> After this I could get the string as a list of words
> as in,
> ['Hello/Hi','my','name','is','Richard/P'] 
> Now I want to replace the string with 
> Hello/Hi my name is Richard/P
> It may seem a joining of list but is not because
> if I try to make, 
> ['Hello/Hi','my/M','name','is/I','Richard/P'] 
> I may do, but doing the following string 
> Hello/Hi my/M<HM> name is/I Richard/P<IP>
> is tough as entities with tag may vary. I have to make
> a rule. 
> I am trying to recognize the index of the word in
> the list, pop it and replace with new value and joining
> the list as string.

I'm afraid your description of the problem is still rather... opaque.
>From your original post it looked like the answer would be:

    def replacer(target, replacements):
        for replacement in replacements:
            if "/" in replacement:
                target = target.replace(*replacement.split("/", 1))
        return target

    print(replacer("Hello my name is Richard",

but in your new description where you start talking about word indices
I have no idea if that's what you actually wanted.

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