Running the following codes ( under Win32 python 3.4.4 terminal:

tbli = [0x66, 0x27, 0xD0]
tblm = [0 for x in range(3)]
def gpa(data):
    td = data ^ tblm[2]
    return td

I can get a correct answer this way:
>>> import deen
>>> deen.tblm = deen.tbli
>>> deen.gpa(0x7d)
173  # 0xad (= 0x7d ^ 0xd0) is decimal 173

But I get a wrong answer this way:
>>> from deen import *
>>> tblm = tbli
>>> gpa(0x7d)
125  # it's 0x7d, the tblm[2] is 0

Why? why! why:-(



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