On Tuesday 22 November 2016 14:10, rmjbr...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi! This is my first post! I'm having trouble understanding my code. I get
> "SyntaxError:invalid syntax" on line 49.

Sometimes a syntax error can only be reported on the line *following* the line 
with the actual error. So you may have something like this:

x = func(y  # oops forgot to close the brackets
for i in range(x):  # error is reported here

So when you get a syntax error on a line, and cannot see anything wrong with 
that line, work your way backwards until you find the actually location of the 

> elif raceNum==3:
>   print("Nice fur. I don't see too many of your kind 'round here. Maybe
>   that's a good thing...") 
>   print('')
>   classNum=int(input("What's your profession mate?")
> elif raceNum==4:             #this line has an error for some reason

This is the line where the error is reported. The error is actually on the 
previous line. Do you see it now?

299792.458 km/s — not just a good idea, it’s the law!


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