On 11/24/2016 06:53 AM, Peter Otten wrote:
Thomas Grops via Python-list wrote:
Instead of repeating your code with copy-and-past make a helper function
like the randx() posted by Larry Hudson.

By the way, randint(min, max) may return max so there are 9 possible
outcomes while you handle only 8. To be consistent with Python's half-open
ranges use

random.randrange(8) # may return 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, but not 8

About my (Larry Hudson) randx() example code:

I used randint() in it because that was what the OP was using. I didn't want to bother with the side issue of randint() vs randrange() since it was just meant as example code to be adapted. If I had written it for my own use I would have used randrange() for the consistency that you are describing.

Not an excuse — just a comment.   ;-)

     -=- Larry -=-

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