> I would like to use pdb in an application where it isn't possible to use 
> sys.stdin for input. I've read in the documentation for pdb.Pdb that a file 
> object can be used instead of sys.stdin. Unfortunately, I'm not clear about 
> my options for the file object.
> I've looked at rpdb on PyPI, which re-routes stdin and stdout to a socket 
> handler. I can connect to the socket with telnet. This works well.

You can use the code from
https://docs.python.org/3/library/fileinput.html#module-fileinput to
change this code:

for line in sys.stdin.readlines():

to this:

import fileinput
for line in fileinput.input():

Then, write the data you would expect to come on STDIN to a file and
run your program:

$ python my-program.py myfile

It will work as normal when you run it normally:

$ data-generation-command | python my-program.py

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