On 01/12/16 00:46, Chris Kaynor wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 4:12 PM, duncan smith <duncan@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> On 30/11/16 17:57, Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 4:34 AM, duncan smith <duncan@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>>>> def _execute(command):
>>>>     # shell=True security hazard?
>>>>     p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
>>>>                          stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
>>>>                          stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
>>>>                          close_fds=True)
>>>>     output = p.stdout.read()
>>>>     p.stdin.close()
>>>>     p.stdout.close()
>>>>     #p.communicate()
>>>>     if output:
>>>>         print output
>>> Do you ever wait() these processes? If not, you might be leaving a
>>> whole lot of zombies behind, which will eventually exhaust your
>>> process table.
>>> ChrisA
>> No. I've just called this several thousand times (via calls from a
>> higher level function) and had no apparent problem. Top reports no
>> zombie tasks, and memory consumption and the number of sleeping tasks
>> seem to be reasonably stable. I'll try running the code that generated
>> the error to see if I can coerce it into failing again. OK, no error
>> this time. Great, an intermittent bug that's hard to reproduce ;-). At
>> the end of the day I just want to invoke dot to produce an image file
>> (perhaps many times). Is there perhaps a simpler and more reliable way
>> to do this? Or do I just add the p.wait()? (The commented out
>> p.communicate() is there from a previous, failed attempt to fix this -
>> as, I think, are the shell=True and close_fds=True.) Cheers.
> That would appear to rule out the most common issues I would think of.
> That said, are these calls being done in a tight loop (the full
> call-stack implies it might be a physics simulation)? Are you doing
> any threading (either in Python or when making the calls to Python -
> using a bash command to start new processes without waiting counts)?
> Is there any exception handling at a higher level that might be
> continuing past the error and sometimes allowing a zombie process to
> stay?

In this case the calls *are* in a loop (record linkage using an
expectation maximization algorithm).

> If you are making a bunch of calls in a tight loop, that could be your
> issue, especially as you are not waiting on the process (though the
> communicate does so implicitly, and thus should have fixed the issue).
> This could be intermittent if the processes sometimes complete
> quickly, and other times are delayed. In these cases, a ton of the dot
> processes (and shell with shell=true) could be created before any
> finish, thus causing massive usage. Some of the processes may be
> hanging, rather than outright crashing, and thus leaking some
> resources.

I'll try the p.communicate thing again. The last time I tried it I might
have already got myself into a situation where launching more
subprocesses was bound to fail. I'll edit the code, launch IDLE again
and see if it still happens.

> BTW, the docstring in to_image implies that the shell=True is not an
> attempted fix for this - the example 'unflatten -l 3 | dot' is
> explicitly suggesting the usage of shell=True.

OK. As you can see, I don't really understand what's happening under the
hood :-). Cheers.


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