On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Cecil Westerhof <ce...@decebal.nl> wrote:
> I would prefer when it would generate:
>     '[
>      "An array",
>      "with several strings",
>      "as a demo"
>      ]'
> Is this possible, or do I have to code this myself?

> https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html?highlight=indent#json.dump

>>>> json.dumps(["An array", "with several strings", "as a demo"], indent=0)
>'[\n"An array",\n"with several strings",\n"as a demo"\n]'
>>>> print(_)
>"An array",
>"with several strings",
>"as a demo"

As Zac stated the indent:
>>> print(json.dumps(["An array",{"Dummy":{'wop':'dop','dap':'dap'}}, "with 
>>> several strings", "as a demo"], sort_keys = True, indent=4))
    "An array",
        "Dummy": {
            "dap": "dap",
            "wop": "dop"
    "with several strings",
    "as a demo"
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