On Wed, 4 Jan 2017 03:46 pm, Deborah Swanson wrote:

> As I've mentioned in other posts on this thread, I'm now thinking that I
> need to write a class to do this, and find out how Firefox and url aware
> terminals in Linux do it. There must be a way.

A GUI application can interpret text any way it chooses. Firefox takes a HTML 
file and renders it, using whatever GUI library it chooses. That GUI
library understands that text like:

<b>Hello World!</b>

should be shown in bold face, and text like:

<a href="http://www.example.com";>Example</a>

should be shown as the word "Example" underlined and in some colour, and when 
you click on it the browser will navigate to the URL given. Firefox can do this 
because it controls the environment it runs in.

Same for Excel, which also controls the environment it runs in.

That's *not* the case for Python, which is at the mercy of whatever console or 
terminal application it is running in.

However, you can use Python to write GUI applications. Then it becomes
*your* responsibility to create the window, populate it with any buttons or
text or scroll bars you want, and you can choose to interpret text any way you 
like -- including as clickable Hyperlinks.

The bottom line is, there is no "a way" to do this. There are a thousand, ten 
thousand, ways to do it. Every web browser, every terminal, every URL-aware 
application, can choose its own way to do it. There's no one
single way that works everywhere, but if you are working in a console or 
terminal, just printing the URL is likely to be interpreted by the console as a 
clickable link:


â £Cheer up,â Ø they said, â £things could be worse.â Ø So I cheered up, and
enough, things got worse.


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