On 01/06/2017 08:24 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 06Jan2017 23:03, Clint Moyer <cont...@clintmoyer.com> wrote:

Thanks everyone for the advice. Please note in my following comments I am not arguing with anyone, merely trying to understand. I am not a professional programmer, just someone who enjoys programing for my own use/enjoyment and I am the only user of this system.

Packages supplied by your distribution can be trusted more than packages
from PyPi. Just my two cents.
Most distros offer nearly all the useful Python modules directly from the

I would agree with this on the whole. And also that it is generally
better to add modules to your system python via the distro's repo
because that bring benefit to every user on the system, not just yourself.

What is "system python"? If I do $ which python I get /usr/bin/python which points to python 2.7xx. So if everything I added was for python 3 either using pip3 or apt-get would I be adding to "system python"?

I see that most of the "major" python3 modules I had installed, with the exception of scripy, are in the repository. If I upgraded one of the repository modules using pip3 would I lose the benefits of installing from the repository? I know it seems to be possible as I installed pip3 from the repository. The first time I used it to install a module it informed me there was a more current version available and showed me the command to update. I updated and it seems to be fine.

Virtual environments are great, but if you want to add libraries to your
system interpreter I'd recommend a simple sync through your repo.

I'm directly advocating _not_ adding PyPI packages to the system
interpreter.  If nothing else, they may differ in behaviour and
potentially actually break system behaviour.

Having your on virtualenv is good for: adding packages no provided by
your vendor, adding packages deliberately different from those from your
vendor (eg newer versions with specific bugfixes or extra features),
having an isolated environment for packages (you can make more than one
virtual environment).

And of course it avoids interfering with your system python install.

A number of years ago I had virtualenv installed. At the time I remember it took me a while to get it installed and working. Right now I am working on some scripts to download some financial date using Selenium and paste it into Libreoffice Calc spreadsheets. Will using virtualenv have any effect on me running those scripts?

Thanks,  Jim

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>


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