On 01/09/2017 08:51 PM, Deborah Swanson wrote:
Ethan Furman wrote, on January 09, 2017 8:01 PM

As I said earlier, I admire your persistence -- but take some
time and learn the basic vocabulary as that will make it much
easier for you to ask questions, and for us to give you
meaningful answers.

As I mentioned, I have completed MIT's 2 introductory Python courses
with final grades of 98% and 97%.  What tutorials do you think would
significantly add to that introduction?

The Python version of "Think like a computer scientist" is good.  Otherwise, 
ask the list for recommendations.  I'm not suggesting more advanced topics, but rather 
basic topics such as how the REPL works, how to tell what objects you have, how to find 
the methods those objects have, etc.
It's true that I didn't spend much time in the forums while I was taking
those courses, so this is the first time I've talked with people about
Python this intensively. But I'm a good learner and I'm picking up a lot
of it pretty quickly. People on the list also talk and comprehend
differently than people in the MIT courses did, so I have to become
accustomed to this as well. And the only place to learn that is right


The issue I (and others) see, though, is more along the lines of basic 
understanding: you seemed to think that a list of lists should act the same as 
a list of tuples, even though lists and tuples are not the same thing.  It's 
like expecting a basket of oranges to behave like a basket of avocados. ;)

As you say, you're making good progress.


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