I've written a little script to parse a csv file then use seach/replace
over a template to create a file for each line in the file.  It pikes
out when I call the function that parses the csv (read_revs).  If I
have inadvertantly left an extra comma or two in the comma field, it
gives an error that says:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 310, in RunScript
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "d:\dev\python\projects\books\revgen3.py", line 177, in ?
  File "d:\dev\python\projects\books\revgen3.py", line 92, in gen_html
    revlist =
  File "d:\dev\python\projects\books\revgen3.py", line 38, in read_revs
    reviews = [Review(*[field.strip() for field in row]) for row in
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 11 arguments (13 given)

Which I understand totally, because I can see the two extra fields in
the csv.  Problem is, if I correct that problem it gives me confusing
output that is identical except for the final line which says:

TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 11 arguments (1 given)

I don't get how it goes from 13 arguments to 1!  I now have 10 fields
and can understand that it is passing self as the 11th argument.

Particularly confusing to me was that when I translated this from a
windows box running Python 2.4 to an OpenBSD box running python 2.3, it
just worked on the unix box.

Find below an the code and an example of the csv file in question.



data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8,data9,Comments on the
item reviewed go here. Sometime, but not all the time, there might be
extra commas in this text.
data1,data2,data3,data4,data5,data6,data7,data8,data9,Comments on the
item reviewed go here.


import string, os, re, sys, operator, csv

class Review(object):
    def __init__(self, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6,
param7, param8, param9, comments):
        params = locals()
        del params['self']
    def __repr__(self):
        all_items = self.__dict__.items()
        return '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s' % (self.param1,
self.param2, self.param3, self.param4, self.param5, self.param6,
self.param7, self.param8, self.param9, self.comments)

def read_revs(filename):
    csv_file = open(filename, "rb")
    reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
    reviews = [Review(*[field.strip() for field in row]) for row in
    return reviews

def gen_revs():

    revlist = read_revs(r'd:\dev\python\projects\books\reviews.csv')
    revheader = revlist[0]
    all_reviews = revlist[1:]

    template = open(r'd:\dev\python\projects\books\template.txt', 'r')
    sTemplate = template.read()

    for review in all_reviews:
        param1 = getattr(review, 'param1')
        param2 = getattr(review, 'param2')
        param3 = getattr(review, 'param3')
        param4 = getattr(review, 'param4')
        param5 = getattr(review, 'param5')
        param6 = getattr(review, 'param6')
        param7 = getattr(review, 'param7')
        param9 = getattr(review, 'param8')
        param9 = getattr(review, 'param9')
        comments = getattr(review, 'comments')

        output = template % (param1, param2, param3, param4, param5,
param6, param7, param8, param9, comments)

        f=open(r"d:\dev\python\projects\books\%s.html" % param1, 'w')


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