in 770220 20170124 070853 Chris Angelico <> wrote:
>On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Bob Martin <> wrote:
>> in 770207 20170124 005601 Chris Angelico <> wrote:
>>>REXX has even less structure than Python - it doesn't even have
>>>functions, just labels, so you can actually have two functions that
>>>share a common tail. And yes, you can abuse that horrendously to
>>>create unreadable code. Is REXX a bad language because of that? No.
>>>You can use structure badly, and you can use freedom badly.
>> Of course Rexx has functions!
>Built-ins, yes, but when you define your own, it's by giving a label.
>It isn't a function until it's called as a function.

Just because the word "function" isn't in the header doesn't change matters.
The word "procedure" can appear in the header, but it can be called as a
procedure or a function. 

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