On 27/01/2017 21:36, MRAB wrote:
On 2017-01-27 21:18, mm0fmf wrote:
On 27/01/2017 20:17, bob gailer wrote:
On 1/25/2017 9:25 PM, Sandeep Nagar wrote:

A few month ago I wrote a book on introductory python based on my
experinces while teaching python to Bachelor students of engineering.
It is now available in e-book and paperback format at Amazon.


The book is written for beginners of python programming language and
written in learn-by-doing manner. If some group members can review the
same, it will be useful for myself to come up with an improved version.
Who is the publisher of this book?

I just took a look at the pages that can be viewed on Amazon. Many
reactions. it is hard for me to write this, as it seems it would sound
harsh, judgemental, unappreciative. But you did ask for a review, and
this is my honest reaction.

I find it hard to read a book written by a non-native speaker of
English. I an constantly having to overlook what to me are spelling,
grammatical and vocabulary errors. I HIGHLY recommend you find an editor
who can fix these errors.

Snap. I found it impossible to read and never got to the Python parts.
It is not written in English. Most of the pronouns and conjunctions are
missing. It looks like it has not been proof-read as words loose
capitalisation, many are mis-spelt and grammar rules regarding plural
cases and agreement are just ignored.

"loose"? Don't you mean "lose"? (Or possible "lack"?)

My spelling is not brilliant especially when typing live and so you have proved why books need proof-reading.

In particular "lose" is what I meant. Python, the name of the language, is a proper noun and should be captialised. In the few pages I read, Python appears as "python" and "Python", randomly losing the capital letter. Lacking capitalisation would suggest to me that some or all words are consistently written without the capital letter such as always writing "united states of america".


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