On 2017-02-04, Wildman via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:

> No, I do not know.  You might try your question in a linux specific
> group.  Personally I don't understand the danger in having the dot
> in the path.  The './' only means the current directory.

It allows a malicous user to put an evil executable someplace public
like /tmp and have it executed accidentally.  For example, let's say
this executable file was named "sl" and placed in /tmp.

rm -rf $HOME

The next time you are in the /tmp directory looking for something, can
you guess what happens when you mistype "ls" as "sl"?

> DOS and Windows has searched the current directory since their
> beginning.  Is that also dangerous?


Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I am a traffic light,
                                  at               and Alan Ginzberg kidnapped
                              gmail.com            my laundry in 1927!


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