On 04Feb2017 08:10, Neal Becker <ndbeck...@gmail.com> wrote:
Neal Becker wrote:
I want to make sure any modules I build in the current directory overide
others.  To do this, I'd like sys.path to always have './' at the
What's the best way to ensure this is always true whenever I run python3?
Sorry if I was unclear, let me try to describe the problem more precisely.

I have a library of modules I have written using boost::python.  They are
all in a directory under my home directory called 'sigproc'.

In ~/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages, I have

--- sigproc.pth

The reason I have 2 here is so I could use either

import modA
import sigproc.modA
although I almost always just use
import modA

Is this desirable? For myself, I would go to the effort of always using one convention. In particular, often a name like "modA" will be ambiguous/generic because it lives _inside_ a descriptive namespace (sigproc). By generally using "import modA" you leave yourself open to conflict with some other "modA" if such a thing is ever loaded in an environment in which your code must run.

I'd be wanting to either go:
 import sigproc/modA
 from sigproc import modA

Now I have started experimenting with porting to pybind11 to replace
boost::python.  I am working in a directory called pybind11-test.
I built modules there, with the same names as ones in sigproc.
What I observed, I believe, is that when I try in that directory,
import modA
it imported the old one in sigproc, not the new one in "./".

Because python is using your general purpose "stable" sys.path.

This behavior I found surprising.  I examined sys.path, and found it did not
contain "./".
Then I prepended "./" to sys.path and found
import modA
appeared to correctly import the module in the current directory.

Might I commend to you my "dev" script suggestion. To my eyes it seems that you want "modA" from your development directory. For myself, when I do this, I just invoke command like this:

 dev python3 blah blah ...

which runs things with the local dev tree at the front of sys.path.

I think I want this behavior always, and was asking how to ensure it.

You may want it, but I recommend against it. Having "." in your sys.path, _especially_ at the front, leaves your programs open to subversion/misbehaviour simply if you stand in an unfortunate directory. It is like a little time bomb waiting to go off in your face.

If you really want this, modify your $HOME/.profile (or equivalent, depending on your shell) to prepend "." to your $PYTHONPATH, eg:


But really, consider making yourself a convenient script to make _temporarily_ using the current directory as a source for packages/modules easy to do. For _testing_ purposes. When your code is stable/releasable, release it into your normal environment, where everything will benefit.

Mine is here:


for comparison.

I use a personal shell function to invoke it as "dev", but that is mere finger convenience.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

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