On 2017-02-11 02:23:12 +0000, Cameron Simpson said:

  def your_function(.......):
    with open('/path/to/your/logfile.txt', 'a') as logfp:
      print("PATH=".os.environ['PATH'], file=logfp)
      print("p.returncode=%r" % (p.returncode))

and any other interesting values that occur to you. This is really simple, and
doesn't require a terminal or using the logging module.

You can 'tail -f /path/to/your/logfile.txt' in another terminal to watch stuff
happen as you exercise the program.

Thanks for the great advice.
I found out, that the frozen app does not pass the normal path variable. All the tricks with passing the correct environment did not work. I just hardcoded the existing standard path. After that it worked.

I think it is a problem with frozen apps in general. Cx_Freeze has other problems than Pyinstaller. But all need some workarounds for the problems.


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