On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 8:16 AM, Pavol Lisy <pavol.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe this technique could be reusable (and maybe part of functools?)
> With this decorator:
>     def wrap_args(decorator):
>         def decor_out(*args, **kwargs):
>             def decor_in(func):
>                 return decorator(func, *args, **kwargs)
>             return decor_in
>         return decor_out
> Alfredo needs to change only (*) next 2 lines:
>     def fun_cache(function):
>         memo = {}
> to:
>     @wrap_args
>     def fun_cache(function, cache):
>         memo = cache
> (*) - Steve's improvements (for example using functools.wraps) are
> good to consider as well! :)
> (but maybe catching TypeError could more problems hide than solve)

When all the arguments are optional it's generally desirable that @foo
and @foo() be equivalent. See:


I would augment that example by making the optional arguments
keyword-only to prevent accidentally passing one as the function to be
decorated. Hopefully this feature would also be part of any general
reusable solution.

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