On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 11:20:45 AM UTC-7, eryk sun wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 5:42 PM, Jay Braun <lyngw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not using ISE.  I'm using a pre-edited script, and running it with the 
> > python command.
> >
> > Consider the following simple script named hello.py (Python 2.7):
> >
> > print "Hello"
> >
> > If I enter:
> > python hello.py > out.txt
> >
> > from cmd.exe I get a 6-character file (characters plus new-line).
> > from PowerShell I get an extract ^@ character after every character
> You didn't say you were redirecting the output to a file. That's a
> completely different story for PowerShell -- and far more frustrating.
> cmd.exe implements redirecting a program's output to a file by
> temporarily changing its own StandardOutput to the file; spawing the
> process, which inherits the StandardOutput handle; and then changing
> back to its original StandardOutput (typically a console screen
> buffer). The program can write whatever it wants to the file, and cmd
> isn't involved in any way.
> PowerShell is far more invasive. Instead of giving the child process a
> handle for the file, it gives it a handle for a *pipe*. PowerShell
> reads from the pipe, and like an annoying busybody that no asked for,
> decodes the output as text, processes it (e.g. replacing newlines),
> and writes the processed data to the file. For example:
>     PS C:\Temp> $script = "import sys; sys.stdout.buffer.write(b'\n')"
>     PS C:\Temp> python -c $script > test.txt
>     PS C:\Temp> python -c "print(open('test.txt', 'rb').read())"
>     b'\xff\xfe\r\x00\n\x00'
> I wrote a single byte, b'\n', but PowerShell decoded it, replaced "\n"
> with "\r\n", and wrote it as UTF-16 with a BOM.

You are correct.  Sorry I omitted that in my first post.  Thank you for your 


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