Hi Peter

I'm willing to believe there's a correlation between planetary cycles
and the stockmarket, if you say you see one. The question is whether
this correlation has truth value significance, or whether it's just a
set of coincidences. 

The correlation is interesting, but I fail to see the causal link, the
reason why planetary cycles necessarily have a relationship with market
movements, and without that all you have is coincidence. 

Though one could spend a great deal of time analyzing the correlation, I
have low confidence that it would be a strong and reliable correlation.
This has been the fate of many other misadventures in astrology, systems
of belief built around weak and unreliable correlations that are
sometimes right, but more often wrong, sad to say.

I don't have Windows 7 or 10. Any chance there's source code for the
addin? That's what I would be looking at anyway. ;)


Peter Henry wrote, on Monday, April 10, 2017 1:56 PM
> Hi Deborah
> Very few people would believe there is correlation between 
> planetary cycles and the stockmarket  however this is known 
> to select few, for many years, I can also visually see 
> relationship on charts, however its hard to quantify statically
> http://astrologynewsservice.com/business/study-confirms-plan
> ets-impact-stock-market-averages/
> I'll forward the Excel addin later it works on Windows 7 and 
> require updating to Win10
> The idea is to create a full and complete program in Python 
> only, that would import stock data, generate planetary 
> coordinates, pre process train then predict
> I'll keep you updated
> Peter
> On 10 Apr 2017 9:10 p.m., "Deborah Swanson" 
> <pyt...@deborahswanson.net>
> wrote:
> > Hi Peter,
> >
> > I would be interested in seeing your Excel addin with customized 
> > planetary settings. I'd be curious what these 
> customizations would be, 
> > though if they look useful I'd more likely be scavenging 
> the code to 
> > rewrite it in Python and add to what I already have, rather 
> than using 
> > the addin in Excel. The only thing not quite right about 
> what I have 
> > is the times, which are a smidge off. This could be due to 
> planetary 
> > anomalies, so I definitely would like to look at it.
> >
> > I totally agree with all you said about Python and more. I didn't 
> > start out in Python looking to replace Excel or to migrate my 
> > planetary project to it, those things just happened along 
> the way. But 
> > looking around to see what was new and what was better than 
> anything 
> > I'd done before, Python was a natural choice.
> >
> > I'll have to say though that I don't share your enthusiasm for 
> > modeling the market with planetary relationships, indeed any 
> > mathematical modelling of the market can easily be overall 
> wrong, and 
> > yet complex enough to engage the explorer endlessly.
> >
> > I've analyzed a couple of these schemes to draw that conclusion, 
> > though it's tentative at best. Obviously there are 
> mathematical models 
> > of the market that do work, but I really don't know anything about 
> > them.
> >
> > In this case though, I don't see the connection between planetary 
> > configurations and a pure physical aspect of the market for them to 
> > engage with. And as you may recall from somewhere, to establish 
> > causality you must produce the causal link between the two sets of 
> > events you're attempting to correlate. No matter how 
> stunning an array 
> > of coincidences might be, without producing the causal link 
> you really 
> > don't have anything. This is a key error that many who do 
> statistical 
> > analyses tend to overlook.
> >
> > I looked at your CSV, but I'm not sure what you would like 
> to add to 
> > it, probably because I'm totally unfamiliar with this type 
> of project.
> >
> > Best in your endeavors,
> >
> > Deborah
> >
> >
> > Peter Henry wrote, on Monday, April 10, 2017 11:58 AM
> >
> > Hi Deborah,
> >
> >
> > Thanks your reply and interest,
> >
> >
> > A few years ago did create a Excel addin, that extracted planetary 
> > coordinates from the Swisseph source code and populated excel 
> > spreadsheet  This Marco addin had customized planetary settings of 
> > which was  useful
> >
> >
> > Currently now learning to program in Python as it  is flexible, 
> > popular for machine learning and data science. The idea the 
> planetary 
> > coordinate can help with timing stock commodity and Forex 
> markets, as 
> > both freely trading markets and planetary  movement adhere 
> to natural 
> > law
> >
> >
> > Neural networks can also assist in extracting relationship 
> information 
> > between markets and planetary positions.
> >
> >
> > Whilst waiting for a solution  can you advise of an 
> efficient way of 
> > producing a a CSV file similar to the file attached, only planetary 
> > data required
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Many thanks
> >
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >
> > On 10 April 2017 at 02:52, Deborah Swanson 
> <pyt...@deborahswanson.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Peter Henry wrote, on Sunday, April 09, 2017 10:53 AM
> > >
> > > I have a package that has been altered to imported in to python, 
> > > however I tired to get is working but without success I 
> be missing 
> > > something obvious
> > >
> > > The Swiss Ephemeris enable planetary coordinate  to be 
> imported and 
> > > used in your program
> > >
> > > Files access https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyswisseph
> > >
> > > Many thanks in advance
> > >
> > > Peter
> >
> > I've also worked on the problem of getting sweph into 
> Python and have 
> > mostly struck out so far myself.
> >
> > I found one reliable means to get sweph's planetary data 
> into Python, 
> > but it's more or less a cheat. Nonetheless, if you want to see how 
> > much good it does you, try the Swiss Ephemeris Test Page at 
> > http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swetest.htm. If you can successfully 
> > formulate a query useful to your purposes, you can download 
> a csv of 
> > results, read it into Python, and work from there. Right now I'm 
> > working on converting some Excel spreadsheets and Excel VBA 
> I use into 
> > Python and recoding it all, using the CSVs for jumping off points. 
> > That works pretty well, except the times from swetest are off a bit 
> > and I haven't figured out why. But I'm concentrating on 
> getting all my 
> > VBA code ported to Python, and will go back to getting bang on data 
> > from sweph after I have my code done.
> >
> > The first thing I tried was to get sweph's C source code 
> into a free 
> > IDE, but that whole project went down in flames. You can 
> read bits and 
> > pieces of that misadventure at the tail end of the "Python 
> application 
> > launcher (for Python code)" thread. I found sweph's C 
> source code at 
> > some link off "Programming interface to the Swiss Ephemeris" at 
> > http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephprg.htm (or maybe it was on 
> > http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephinfo_e.htm - I can't 
> easily find it 
> > now, but the download link is in one of those two pages somewhere.)
> >
> > Then I tried picking through sweph's C source code, attempting to 
> > manually reproduce the logic and the calculations in 
> Python. That was 
> > a highly qualified semi-success because the times were 
> still off, but 
> > it essentially produces the most basic planetary data. The swetest 
> > output CSVs were more complete however, and easy to read 
> the planetary 
> > data into Python from, so I'd pretty much abandoned efforts to 
> > "translate" the C source code. And now, all my efforts to 
> leverage the 
> > C source code. Even if successful it would be a lot more time sunk 
> > into working with a language other than Python, which I likely 
> > wouldn't have a use for after this project is completed.
> >
> > However, I have seen bits here and there on this list that are at 
> > least interesting. Tim Chase mentioned in passing that he 
> encapsulated 
> > C source code in a class, which may bear looking into. Lutz 
> Horn also 
> > gave a link for building a Python module to add a C 
> language library 
> > to Python, which also might be worth checking out: 
> > https://docs.python.org/3/extending/index.html (I changed 
> the 2 to a 3 
> > from the link he gave, but you can change it back to 2 if 
> your working 
> > in a build of Python 2.)
> >
> > But many thanks for your pypi link to pyswisseph, which I 
> will check 
> > out. I can reply to this thread after I give it a shot and tell you 
> > what I think of it. But like I said earlier, that won't be 
> until all 
> > my Excel VBA code, which jumps off from the sweph bare 
> planetary data, 
> > is ported to Python and working. Could be awhile yet. And if 
> > pyswisseph doesn't pan out, I'll likely work on refining the two 
> > methods I have for producing the planetary data, both of which are 
> > only lacking precisely accurate time data in my local time, 
> and both 
> > are off by only 5-30 minutes. I easily limped along for 
> years with my 
> > Excel spread sheets using the swetest CSVs for input, even 
> though my 
> > times then were more than a day off.
> >
> > Good luck! (and this venture is a goodly portion of luck...)
> >
> > Deborah
> >
> > PS. I've been using medical astrology to look ahead at my medical 
> > condition for years in advance. And being off by a day or 
> so doesn't 
> > matter that much when you're looking at trends over the course of 
> > years and decades. I also have a little software widget to 
> look at the 
> > planetary data in graphical chart form at any particular 
> second, also 
> > based on sweph, which has been quite astoundingly accurate in 
> > following the rather complex kaleidoscope of my symptoms during the 
> > course of a day. (Though it doesn't do you a bit of good if 
> you forget 
> > to look! Which is my entire motivation to get it encoded 
> and available 
> > with a few
> > clicks.) And it is quite useful to know in advance what will be
> > happening when, and most importantly when it will stop. Knowledge is
> > power!
> >
> > Caveat. This kind of precision and accuracy is only found in the 
> > specific forms of astrology which relate to pure physical 
> phenomena, 
> > and most of what you see these days masquerading as 
> astrology is pure 
> > hooey, almost entirely invented on  a large scale in the 
> Middle Ages 
> > and flowered in the Renaissance. By pure physical 
> phenomena, which is 
> > the only phenomena that is at least debatably influenced by 
> physical 
> > planetary forces, I mean things like the moon's tides, 
> sunspots, plant 
> > and animal activity throughout the year, and supremely, the inner 
> > workings of the human body, the first wholly Western 
> medicine devised 
> > by the ancient Greeks. (The ancient Greek physicians are an 
> excellent 
> > fallback if modern medicine is failing you - if you can find enough 
> > that remains today of their art.)
> >
> >
> -- 
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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