On 11-4-2017 14:30, LnT wrote:
> Hi,
> version information
> python 27

Please be more precise, there is no Python 27. (Yeah it is clear you meant 2.7 
but still)

> java version "1.8.0_111"
That should not be relevant

> OS -Win 10 , 64Bit , 8GB RAM , 60GB HD

60 GB is not a lot of space for windows...

> executing python test script (robotframework) for a we bapplication 
> Application url will be invoked by Firefox 38.0
> Please find below log:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Opening browser 'firefox' to base url 'https://onbdev.nbpa.com/zae'
> [ WARN ] Keyword 'Capture Page Screenshot' could not be run on failure: No 
> browser is open
> | FAIL |
> IOError: [Errno 12] Not enough space
> --------------------------------------------------------------------

That's not much information. Is there really not anything else in the log? Like 
traceback, that may give some clues what the application is doing when it is 
running out
of disk space?

> I have cleared %TEMP% and reran the script.
> But still I see this.
> Could you please show me some Light ?

Based on the info you provided, the only solution I can think of is: free more 
Something in your application is trying to write stuff and there's simply not 
space on the disk to do so.



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