"Gregory PiƱero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I'd love Python work, just like everyone else here.  On a related topic, 
>what's the >policy/etiquette of posting a resume on here, or mentioning 
>what kind of work >you're looking for?

I would take absence of such postings, even though you can imagine *lots* 
of people have had the same idea, as an indication that it is against 
policy/etiquette.  If 1 person does it, we could easily have 10 or 100 a 
day ;-).

>  And what's the policy in general for most newsgroups and mailing lists?

For mainline newsgroups, such as the comp.*, commercial annoucements are 
generally counter-indicated unless the name (.marketplace) or charter say 
otherwise.  Exceptions would be a low volume of things of direct and narrow 
interest.  So I consider the rare job announcements posted here ok.  The 
same for book announcements.  In either case, such are positive news for 
what is still a minority, just becoming mainstream, language.

Terry J. Reedy


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