On 16/04/2017 05:27, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
On Sat, 15 Apr 2017 11:55 am, Rick Johnson wrote:

apparently, the py-devs believe we
only deserve type declarations that do nothing to speed up
code execution (aka: type-hints), instead of type
declarations that could actually speed up the code. Go

I'm not a fan of forced static typing, but i am a fan of
optional static typing.

Are you aware that optional static typing CANNOT be used for optimization?

Since it is *optional*, it is only a hint, not a fact. You can tell the
compiler that you believe that n will be an int, but it's not guaranteed.

No, Rick distinguished between hints, and actual declarations. It doesn't matter if the latter are optional.

I played around with this at one time. All variables were of type 'variant', unless they had an explicit type declaration.

But it got complicated. I decided to keep the dynamic language pure, as after all I had a statically compiled language with exactly the same syntax if I needed it faster!

Examples A and B here: https://pastebin.com/D89zP3LF

Example C of the same silly program in Python:

def add(a,b):
    return a+b

def testfn():
    for i in range(100000000):
        sum += add(a,b)
        a += 1
        b += 2

    print (a,b,sum)



A (Pure HLL**)          13   seconds      (dynamic/interpreted)
A (With ASM module)      3
A (With ASM module)      2                (older version; hmmm...)

B (my compiler)          0.5              (static/compiled)
B (via C/gcc-O3)         0.14

C (Python 2)           163
C (Python 2/xrange)     30
C (Python 3)            38
C (Pypy)                 5

(Python 2 with 'range' locked up my machine for nearly 3 minutes because it presumably exhausted the 4GB memory just executing a simple loop. Have I mentioned that building a massive list just to execute 'for' was a stupid idea?)

The pypy timing is not bad, however it is misleading: you can't for example deduce the execution time of one iteration by dividing by 100 million, as you can with the others (gcc-O3 excepted as I've no idea what it does). You only get that timing if you actually wanted 100 million iterations.

(That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to use type declarations, like
in C, Pascal and Java. A good modern compiler can infer types, like in ML
and Haskell.)

Yes a good, but more sophisticated, compiler. Unlike mine!

(** The pure HLL timing might be reduced to ~ 9 seconds using 'label-pointers' for dispatching, but this limited portability when converted to C code, as not all C compilers support them. But it doesn't matter as I can use the ASM version for speed.

I believe CPython also makes use of label-pointers when compiled with gcc - as happens on Linux - but not when compiled with MSVC, so that CPython on Windows is a little slower for that reason. I don't know if this is still the case.

Those Python timings were on Windows...)


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