On 04/17/2017 11:47 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 3:58 AM, Rob Gaddi
<rgaddi@highlandtechnology.invalid> wrote:
If I were writing this as a C extension, getting that information from any
buffer object would be trivial, but that changes my project from a pure
Python wrapper using ctypes to a mixed language project with compile
dependencies and mental headaches.

  buffertype = c_uint8 * size
  return addressof(buffertype.from_buffer(buf, offset))

works but is inefficient and woefully inelegant.

Have you considered Cython? It can massively simplify a lot of the
work in doing this kind of thing.


I did, and it definitely seems easier than grunting it up from pure C, but it still adds a compile step and extra tools, and I found the documentation on working with arbitrary memory to be lacking. I know C, I know Python, I'm definitely unclear as to how to use Cython to split the difference. Somewhere I've got the book and really need to get around to reading it.

I actually got to an implementation that isn't awful. Creating new objects that represent each DMA transfer (and wrap a Structure to be passed to the library) takes about 9 us per object, including a call to:

  def setbuffer(self, buf, start=0, end=None):
    """Set the local memory.

       buf - The local memory, an object implementing the buffer
             protocol such as a numpy.ndarray or a bytearray.  Can
             be None, which invalidates the transfer.

       start - The index of the first buffer element to transfer.
               Defaults to 0.

       end - The index of the last buffer element to transfer.  Defaults
             to None for len(buf).

    if buf is None:
      self._localmem = None
      self._desc.ptr = 0

    basemv = memoryview(buf)
    mv = basemv[start:end]

    if not mv.contiguous:
      raise ValueError("noncontiguous buffer")
    self._localmem = mv
    self._desc.size = mv.nbytes
    self._desc.ptr = addressof(c_uint8.from_buffer(mv))

This could obviously be made faster by dropping some of the safety checks and flexibility, but I feel like the speed hit is worth not getting segfaults down the line because someone gets the clever idea to stride the array. Plus the objects can be persistent, just calling setbuffer to update for the new destination, which takes a lot of that time back off.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
Email address domain is currently out of order.  See above to fix.

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