On 05/01/2017 08:57 PM, murdock wrote:
> I am having a problem that seems to persist. I have written a program that 
> makes a mathematical calculation and uses a uses library that I have written. 
> It had been working but somehow in playing around with it, it stopped....go 
> figure!  But here is the thing, when I run the program it gives me a very 
> ambiguous message with only a string as in:
> "The Receiver Noise Figure =  <function _Noise_Figure at 0x00000000063E5A60>  
> dBm"  

> import Hamath
> import math
> def main():
> #    import math
>     BW = float (input ("Enter the Receiver Bandwidth in Hz"))
>     Signal_to_Noise = float (input ("Enter the Signal to Noise in dB"))
>     RX_Sensitivity = float (input ("Enter the RX_Sensitivity in dBm"))
> #
>     print ("The Receiver Noise Figure = ",Hamath._Noise_Figure," dBm" )
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     main()

Hamaht._Noise_Figure is a function.  In fact you said so yourself.  But
you're not calling it, nor is your code doing anything with the RW and
Signal_to_Noise variables.


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