On 3 May 2017 at 17:19, Victor Porton <por...@narod.ru> wrote:
> What do you mean by "banned"? Does this mean that Google does not use
> software of this license?


> My package is a professional tool unlike other's hacks.

You yourself called your code a hack:

>> Also, this line looks unconvincing:
>> # This is a quick hack. For serious work use
>> https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-Python-SDK instead.
> This quick hack does work for the purpose it was made. This class is
> not feature-rich, but other features are not needed by other parts of
> my software. So it's OK.

No, it’s not okay. Quick hacks are never good when dealing with money.

Chris Warrick <https://chriswarrick.com/>

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