On Wed, 03 May 2017 23:57:49 +0000, Peter Pearson wrote:

> Cobbling together a minimalist ethernet-sniffing program, I was hoping
> to use this simple mechanism for setting the socket to "promiscuous
> mode" (to see all traffic going past, instead of just traffic addressed
> to my machine):
>     s.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
> Unfortunately, it seems that that mechanism is available under Windows
> but not under Linux.  Googling around for Linux equivalents, I found
> only very contorted solutions, and concluded that maybe this lacuna
> persists because Linux users find it convenient to invoke promiscuous
> mode from the command line, instead:
>     $ sudo ip link set eth0 promisc on $ netstat -i        # (Verify
>     that the P flag is set.)
> This somehow fails: my sniffer continues to see only broadcasts,
> but if I run dumpcap at the same time, dumpcap captures lots of traffic.
> So my question is now two questions:
>  . Is it true that going permiscuous under Linux must be somewhat ugly?
>    (It's OK if it is, I'll just copy the ugly code and get moving
>    again.)
>  . Why doesn't the command-line "promisc on" work?  (Granted, this is
>    maybe a Linux question.)
> Thanks.

any particular reason why you wish to re-invent this particular wheel 
when wireshark is freely available (& the de-facto tool of choice for 
most network engineers)

Come quickly, I am tasting stars!
                -- Dom Perignon, upon discovering champagne.

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