On Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 5:01:57 AM UTC-4, Mahmood Naderan wrote:
> Excuse me, I changed 
> csv.writer(outstream)
> to 
> csv.writer(outstream, delimiter =' ')
> It puts space between cells and omits "" around some content. However, 
> between two lines there is a new empty line. In other word, the first line is 
> the first row of excel file. The second line is empty ("\n") and the third 
> line is the second row of the excel file.
> Any thought?
> Regards,
> Mahmood

Try opening the destination file in the binary mode:

    open(dest, 'wb')

I ran into extra newlines when using csv.writerows() recently.
Since the default mode for open() is text, I imagine you get
extra newlines, since both csv and file object are adding them.
Switching to binary mode fixed it for me.


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