On 5/16/2017 5:14 PM, bartc wrote:
On 16/05/2017 21:18, breamore...@gmail.com wrote:
On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 5:09:34 PM UTC+1, bartc wrote:

I can't test with Python because it's too complicated to compile,
especially on Windows.

What is the problem with the documentation given here https://docs.python.org/devguide ?


"and on Windows use:

PCbuild\build.bat -e -d"


That PCbuild line is step 3 of Quick Start. You have to get past steps 1 and 2 first. It talks about something called Git; I don't know what that is or what I'm supposed to do with it, but it's a 35MB download. (Not that that is very big these days, but 35MB (compressed size and there may be more to come) suggests complexity that I don't want to get into.)

If you merely want to download and compile, you only need about 2 git commands: 'clone' and the fetch-merge command. The devguide intros may be enough. Creating patches is much more complex.

The Windows-specific link says I need to use MS VS2015. That's a BIG application (I believe in the 1000s MB range for downloading) and my

Yes, one must download the Visual Studio Community Edition, 6-9 gigabytes. I had to install it on my terabyte auxiliary hard drive, along with games, instead of my 72 gb SDD C: drive.

But once done, build.bat directly invokes the embedded C++ compiler. Before it was added, one had to boot up Visual Studio (1/2 minute or more) with the Python project files and hit the correct key. The .bat file is *much* easier. I have it embedded in my own pull.bat that first pulls updates and merges them into the local repository.

track record with this stuff suggests that I will go to all this trouble, spend a considerable amount of time, and then it'll fail at some point and I won't have a clue why not.

So when I said it was too complicated to compile, I meant exactly that.

By contrast, the program I tested in place of CPython, builds effortlessly with compilers in the 0.2MB size range, one of which is Tiny C.

Terry Jan Reedy


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