On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 1:57 PM, bartc <b...@freeuk.com> wrote:
>> Yes, we acknowledge that there's much improvement needed to building
>> Python, especially on Windows.
> The 'improvement' seems to involve making things more complicated rather
> than less.
> (So I need VS2015, .NET, GIT, SVN and MSBUILD. Or maybe even more stuff, as
> I wasn't able to proceed to see what the next obstacle would be. Plus the
> minor detail of a C compiler! Presumably that's part of VS, but the most
> likely issue is that won't work from a command line.
> Typing 'cl', if it's still called that, doesn't work. But there do appear be
> 3-4 versions of 'cl.exe' within the VS directories, so it doesn't bode
> well.)

You don't need a full Visual Studio 2015 installation. You can install
Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools [1], which includes MSBuild, and use the
x86 or x64 native tools command prompt. Install the WDK to get the
Windows debuggers windbg, cdb, kd, and ntsd.

To build the external dependencies, you'll need svn and nasm in PATH.
You don't need git if you've downloaded the source manually. Ignore
the warning if it can't find git.

[1]: http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools

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