On 05/22/2017 12:13 PM, Michael Torrie wrote:
On 05/22/2017 07:59 AM, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:
I am the inventor of multiple ends on the same line. This way, in a
language where all of several nested constructs end with an end - not
going to name the language but it's Julia - instead of


one combines the uninformative lines into one by writing

end end end end end,

and with four-space indentation the ends align neatly with the starts.
Technically, the ends on the remaining line of ends are backwards.

Kind of reminds me of LISP.  Lots of closing parenths, and often then
just all get stuck together on a long.  But I guess that's why they
invented paren matching shortcuts in editors.  To make it easy to see if
you have them matched up.  This works with braces too.  Perhaps there is
a plugin for Vim to jump back and forth between the beginning and end of
a blog?  Wouldn't be too hard to just look at indent.

It's built-in, no plug-in necessary.

I still find white-space indentation easier to read, though. Is that block 20 lines down inside or outside the above if/for/while? Just put your cursor on it and go straight down and you'll find out. Not so easy if the braces aren't lined up (at least for me).



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