On 03.06.2017 15:44, chitt...@uah.edu wrote:
I am looking for suggestions, ideas.

I have developed python (3.6.x, 2.7.x) scripts that run well as a user on an 
ubuntu/16.04 system - the scripts look for files, parses the files, assembles 
an output for the user.

I first cd into a particular directory on the system (where I know the files 
exist) and run the script - the final result is in my working directory.

What I am now trying to do is ... figure out the least painful way to have 
other users do the same - BUT sitting in front of a Windows desktop (7 or 10).

Ideally, I would like to set up the user on their Windows 7/10 system so that they can 
"login" to the ubuntu system (say putty) - change working directory (to where 
desired) - run the script (on the ubuntu system) - and scp the file back to the windows 

("porting" the ubuntu script to anaconda(3) on the windows desktop IS possible (but it 
has not been as easy as I had hoped!) (django and programs like that do seem to provide a 
"GUI" to have python scripts run on ubuntu/systems - but the setup looks 
mysterious/complicated (to me anyway))

I stumbled onto "paramiko" - is that a possible answer?

Any suggestion/ideas would be greatly appreciated!

(I am perfectly willing to stick to 3.6.x, unless there is a clean/easy
solution using 2.7.x)


An alternative to writing your own server app using django, though admittedly less exciting from a developer's point of view, could be x2goclient/server (http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/start). That would be more like your putty suggestion, but a lot more user-friendly.



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