On 09/06/17 19:39, sondes kalboussi wrote:
Am a bit confused I was thinking that the order of execution of
functions in a code is from the first to the last function but
sometimes it is the opposite, for instance, some parameters or
outputs from the second function are called in the first one even
thou they are not global, any hints ?

As a complete and utter guess, I assume you are talking about something like:

result = func1(1, 2, func2(x, y))

In this case, func2() will be called before func1(). This is because func1() needs three parameters and one of those parameters is the return value of func2().

Python can not know the return value of func2() without calling it. Therefore, to be able to call func1() and give it its three parameters, it must first call func2() to find out what that third parameter value is.

It's equivalent to:

func2result = func2(x, y)
result = func1(1, 2, func2result)

If that is _not_ what you are talking about, then like Thomas says - you need to paste some code and explain what you are confused by.


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