On Mon, 19 Jun 2017 21:45:09 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

> Lawrence D’Oliveiro <lawrenced...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Is Python 2 the Windows XP of the programming world?
> That's a good way to put it.  It's nice to hear about Instagram but so
> far I don't personally know anyone who uses Python 3.

Funny about that, I don't personally know anyone who uses Java or C++.

You should check out Reddit's /r/python, it has a reputation for being 
(unreasonably, obnoxiously) pro-Python 3 even when people have a good 
reason for sticking with Python 1.

I mean 2.

> Meanwhile there's still lots of new Py2 projects being started.

Unless that project is extremely small, or a throw-away ("we need it for 
three months, then it's obsolete"[1]), I consider starting new projects 
in Python 2 to be borderline professional misconduct, unless there's a 
genuinely good reason.

(Which might include "the customer insists", or "yeah, I know it sucks, 
but politics".)

In less than three years time, 2.7 will no longer be receiving support or 
bug fixes from the Python core devs. There will still be paid support 
from third parties available for a few years after that, but this is 
starting to limit your options.

(E.g. are you willing to tell your clients to move their servers to RHEL 
so they can pay for Red Hat support for Python 2.7?)

At this point, any Python developer who isn't recommending Python 3 as 
the default choice is doing their clients a professional disservice, in 
my opinion.

It's still okay to use 2.7 if you have a good reason, or a bad reason for 
that matter, hell if you want to use 1.5 go right ahead, it's free 
software. But 2.7 should not be any professional Python developer's 
default recommendation any longer.



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