Matt Hammond wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 12:16:01 +0100, m7b52000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>>>     command = lambda : Calc(a.get())
>> I get the following message when I use lambda as above:
>> TypeError: <lambda>() takes no arguments (1 given)
> Oops, forgot! The Scale widget outputs a single argument - the value of  
> the slider. You therefore could write:
>    command = lambda value : Calc(value)
> or even simpler:
>    command = Calc
> In the latter case, you're supplying your "calc" function as the 
> function  to be called. Calc takes a single argument - the value of the 
> slider, so  it fulfills the task. Note that we're passing "Calc" (the 
> function  itself), not "Calc(...)" (the result of calling the function)
> regards
> Matt
Ahhhh. Partial success with : command = Calc. A slider will now pass its 
argument to a function without problem. My Calc function however is 
expecting 3 arguments - 1 from each slider i.e moving any of the 3 
sliders should cause a recalculation. I am now getting the following error:
TypeError: Calc() takes exactly 3 arguments (1 given)

p.s your help is much appreciated....

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