km <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> Hi all,
> Why is it that the implementation of empty loop so slow in
> python when compared to perl ? 
> #i did this in python (v 1.5)
> for x in xrange(1000):
>     print x
> # this took 0.017 seconds 
> --------------------------
> #similar code in perl (v 5.6): 
> for $x (0..1000)
> {
> print $x;
> }
> # this took 0.005 seconds only  !!!
> Is python runtime slow at all aspects when compared to perl ? 
> I really wonder what makes python slower than perl ? 
> Is there any proposal to make python faster in future versions ?
> curious to know all these ...

It appears that Python is not optimized for empty loops.


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