On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Rick Johnson
<rantingrickjohn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Friday, July 14, 2017 at 2:40:43 AM UTC-5, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> [...]
>> What is the length of a string? How often do you actually
>> care about the number of grapheme clusters - and not, for
>> example, about the pixel width? (To columnate text, for
>> instance, you need to know about its width in pixels or
>> millimeters, not the number of characters in the line.)
> Not in the case of a fixed width font!

Yes, of course. How silly of me. Hold on, let me just grab my MUD
client, which is already using a fixed width font...

Here's a piece of text, copied and pasted straight from the client.

忘掉那 無形鎖
الثلج لا يشعرني بإكتئاب
הקור לא מפריע לי, לא חודר
U+1680 is " "
U+200B is ""
U+180E is "᠎"
다 잊어 다 잊어

And here's how it renders.


It's so easy! Monospaced fonts solve everything. Every single
character gets the exact same number of pixels of width, because
that's how the standard stipulates it.

>> And if you're going to group code points together because
>> some of them are combining characters, would you also group
>> them together because there's a zero-width joiner in the
>> middle? The answer will sometimes be "yes of course" and
>> sometimes "of course not".
> Consistency is the key. And we must remember that he who
> assembled such inconsistent strings can only blame herself.

Except that it's the same string in different contexts. There is no
inconsistency in the string.


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