On 7/17/2017 10:27 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:
On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 12:20:04 PM UTC-5, Steve D'Aprano wrote:
collections.namedtuple generates a new class using exec,
and records the source code for the class as a _source
attribute.  Although it has a leading underscore, it is
actually a public attribute. The leading underscore
distinguishes it from a named field potentially called
"source", e.g. namedtuple("klass", ['source',

Although i understand the reasoning behind using the leading
underscore, the Python devs should have realized that anyone
who follows Pythonic convention [1] will ignore a symbol
that starts with an underscore . So if the intention is that
`_source` should be a part of the public API, then
obviously, defining it in "standardized private form" is
very unwise.

But to answer your question, no, none of my code relies on
the `_source` attribute. So i really don't care what happens
to it.

[1] Which i would hope is a rather large group, and not just
another "Rick singleton".

Yes, No. The developers of the class agree that a trailing underscore convention would have been better. 'source_' etc.

Terry Jan Reedy


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