Sorry Daiyue,

Try this correction: I'm writing code without being able to execute it.

> split_on_dbl_dbl_quote = original_list.join('|').split('""')
> remove_dbl_dbl_quotes_and_outer_quotes = 
> split_on_dbl_dbl_quote[::2].join('').split('|')

split_on_dbl_dbl_quote = original_list.join('|').split('""')
remove_dbl_dbl_quotes_and_outer_quotes = 



> You need to be sure of your data: [::2] (return just even-numbered elements) 
> relies on all double-double-quotes both opening and closing within the same 
> string.
> This runs in under a second for a million strings but does affect *all* 
> elements, not just strings. The non-strings would become strings after the 
> second statement.
> As to multi-processing: I would be looking at well-optimised single-thread 
> solutions like split/join before I consider MP. If you can fit the problem to 
> a split-join it'll be much simpler and more "pythonic".
> Cheers,
> Nick


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