On 08/04/2017 07:46 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, Aug 5, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

   pip freeze

will output a list of current packages and their requirements.  I have one
package that falsely [1] lists another package as a requirement, which was
blocking installation as the false requirement wasn't available.

Is there a way to modify that output (which would be piped to, for example,
requirements.txt) to have

   pip install -r requirements.txt

so pip ignores that one (and only that one) dependency?

I'd just edit the file afterwards and delete the line. But if the
package claims to need PyXML, it'll still be installed.

Exactly my point. Is there any way, requirements.txt or otherwise, to tell pip to ignore what a certain package is claiming it needs?

I am aware of --no-dependencies, but that (I think) is an all-or-nothing approach, whilst [1] I desire an all-except-one approach.


[1] I blame words like 'whilst' on my new Paperback game by Tim Fowler. The Smarter-AI uses words from Middle-English (!) and spellings not seen for at least 300 years! But hey, my vocabulary is (uselessly) expanding!

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