Steve Holden wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:

>>Coincidentally, those are exactly the reasons why I posted it in the 
>>first place. I care not a whit about decluttering the newgroup, an 
>>impossible task.
> It's clear that you care not a whit about it. Unfortunately the only way 
> to preserve bandwidth on this (or any other) chanell is for those with 
> nothing to say to not say it.

Folks, if you want to preserve bandwidth from being wasted on irrelevant
posts (like this one), delete your newsreader.

USENET *is* clutter. Sometimes useful clutter. Entertaining clutter.
*Shiny* clutter. But clutter. If you care about efficient use of
bandwidth, this is not the place for you.

James asked a question in such a way that I didn't think it would get
answered. Judging from the other non-responses to his post, I was right.
I showed him the way to ask questions such that they *will* get
answered, and he came back, did so, and got his questions answered.

That's worth 5 kb.

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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