Am 17.08.2017 um 02:14 schrieb Ned Batchelder:
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 8:29 AM, Mok-Kong Shen wrote:
  Anyway, while
any new user of a programming language certainly can be expected to
take good efforts to learn a lot of new stuffs, I suppose it's good
for any practical programming language to minimize the cases of
surprises for those that come from other programming languages.
Which other languages? Should Python's functions act like C functions,
or like Haskell functions?  Should Python's strings act like C strings,
or Ruby strings? Should Python's syntax be like C syntax, or like Lisp
syntax? If languages can't be different from each other, then there's no
point in having different languages.  I agree that gratuitous
differences are, well, gratuitous, but the name/value data model of
Python is not some trivial detail that we could change to match some
other language: it's a fundamental part of what makes Python what it is.

For some reason, students have been taught that things can be either
call-by-reference or call-by-value. But those are not the only two
possibilities, and neither completely describes how Python works.

Learn Python for what it is.

Your last sentence is fine and certainly to be accepted. Is there a
good document with which one could well use to resolve problems like the
present one? (Earlier I learned a few programming languages from
their ISO standard documents, which was not easy but later turned out
to be quite profitable.)

M. K. Shen

expect that there be a good documen


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